Heal and awaken to a deeper and more connected life, by

developing an understanding of the 5 elements, and the unique nature of your child.

From here you will better understand particular behaviors, meltdowns/struggles & become better attuned and equipped to manage and regulate challenges in your life.

You can restore & expand the love in your home!

Learn tools to nurture and heal yourself & thereby give yourself and your children the gifts of presence, calm & peace.

From a Previous Student...

Your class has impacted my parenting tremendously. I have learned mainly that my children are their own independent selves and were not put on this world to serve me, or be me, but rather they have their own tikun and I am there to help and guide them, rather then change them. -Anonymous

This is a 26-week course designed for parents and educators, based on the The Law of the Five Elements, a foundation of Chinese Medicine & Core concept in Jewish Kabbalah/Chassidus. Participants will learn to identify their child’s Core element, and thereby understand their child’s gifts, challenges, and “love languages.” We will study the elements in “real-time,” as we move through the corresponding months of the Jewish calendar, deepening the experiential learning of this content. Participants will learn new ways of speaking with, holding & nurturing their children, to improve physical and emotional health, and amplify love and peace in the home.

From a Previous Student...

I also have learned to be patient with their different character traits and to not take things personally from them. Overall I have gained so much compassion and emunah and trusting that Hashem has my back with this thing we call parenting!” -Anonymous

From a Previous Student...

“Miriam’s class has opened my eyes anew to what makes people tick and most of all how to have compassion and hold space for anyone and everyone in my life. I am so thankful for this past year of learning and looking forward to delving in even deeper in the next cycle.” - Anonymous

This course is for you if you want to:

Give your children what you didn't receive as a child...

If you want to become equipped with tools to help your children heal, grow, and thrive.

If you want to learn the early signs of dysfunction in the body to prevent disease. If you want to deepen your understanding of the Elements to expand your Spiritual avodah in life.

*This course is perfect for Parents, Educators, Mental Health professionals, Body-work and Holistic health professionals.

From a Previous Student...

“I really connected to this last class on the elements and understanding our children. It helped me deepen my compassion for different struggles by understanding different children’s natures and how they looks out of balance and how to support them. I love also how connected they all are. The class was very comprehensive in approach, looking past just the behavior and diving in even deeper. The sharing in an open environment and “check-ins” was great in this class as well!!” - Anonymous


Water: The source of life. Represents development and deep wisdom. Connected to the Kidneys, Bladder and Reproductive system. A “Water” person can be still as a lake or fast as a river. They experience life with their senses and deep feeling. Out of balance they can be prone to excessive fear, over-work, and lower back and leg disorders.

Wood: Upward growth of life. Represents Vision, creativity, expression of self. Connected to the Liver, Gallbladder. A “wood” person is a leader, explorer and excellent delegator. Out of balance this person can become easily frustrated, depressed and experience headaches and menstrual irregularities.

Fire: Ethereal and full of movement. Represents love, connection and spontaneity.  Connected with the Heart, Pericardium and Small Intestine.  A “Fire” person is sensitive, magnetic and fun to be with.  They experience life mainly with Heart and out of balance can be prone to sadness, anxiety and insomnia.

Earth: The ground we walk on. Represents stability and nurturing. Connected to the Stomach and Spleen and the Mind.  An “Earth” person is someone you can count on, who provides sustenance, and loves to care for others.  They take the world in with thought and out of balance can be prone to obsessive thinking and Digestive disorders.

Metal: Focus and Inward. Represents the details and order of life.  Connected to the Lungs and Large Intestine. A “Metal” person is a natural teacher or artist, with acute attention to details. Out of balance they can become perfectionists and rigid.

From a Previous Student...

“This class and you have opened my mind to see and hear and feel other people’s perspectives in a way I’ve never done before. I have always prided myself on being “open-minded” and “accepting” but this class has helped me develop that and deepen the understanding I have about myself, my family, and humanity. 

Example Curriculum

  Welcome to the Course
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 3: Metal Element, Continued (9/23)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 4: Metal Element: Energetics (10/28)
Available in days
days after you enroll

From a Previous Student...

I feel like I am making strides to become a much more understanding mother which leads to being more patient, compassionate and empathetic- which are main qualities our children need from us as mothers. I also feel like I have so much more to learn and there are so many more layers to delve into to further develop myself as a person, wife and mother. So thank you!!!” - Anonymous

Choose a Pricing Option

Living With The Elements: A Path to Healing & Restoring Connection: A Holistic & Torah Approach.

Enjoy this free sample of our program

From a Previous Student...

I really came to help me be a better parent and have better relationships with my kids but I gained a deeper understanding of all relationships and connections (especially with my kids but also with my husband, kids teachers, school administrators, friends, parents etc) I also felt like it was so normalizing and comforting to hear about other moms hardships-like I felt like I wasn’t alone and the things I thought were so unique to my house were really normal and ok -where I used to shut down at certain scenarios-I am now able to confront I think learning and growth is continuous but I feel like my relationship with my children and reactions to them is in a much better place than it was a few months ago Miriam gave individualized attention and for me specifically helped me approach a teacher in a way that really changed the narrative of the school year and I have tremendous hakaras hatov for that!” - Anonymous.

Meet Your Instructor, Dr. Miriam Pineles, DACM, LAc

Miriam Pineles is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine (DACM), and founder of Conscious Health and Wellness, Inc. She is a Diplomate in Oriental Medicine, certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) and licensed in Acupuncture by the State of NY. Miriam graduated from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in New York City with a Master’s degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine (MSTOM), and also studied Five-Element Acupuncture at the Tai Sophia Institute in Laurel, Maryland. Miriam is a Birth Doula and received her certification from Sinai Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland, and she received her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania.

Miriam has studied under some of the most respected practitioners in the United States and around the world, including Dr. Richard Tan, Robert Doane, Dr. Jimmy Chang and Heather Bruce. All of these outstanding practitioners taught her unique and exceptional methods in acupuncture, pulse analysis, herbal prescription writing and treating women’s perinatal health. 

Miriam specializes in women’s health concerns, in particular, perinatal health. Miriam has worked with hundreds of women to achieve healthy pregnancies (with natural fertility enhancement and IVF support), and to ease common pregnancy ailments and discomfort. Miriam treats a variety of gynecological disorders including PMS, Painful/heavy periods, PMDD, PCOS, Endometriosis, Cysts, Fibroids and more.

Miriam also specializes in the treatment of various pain syndromes in the body, that can arise in the recovery from trauma such as allergies, migraines, insomnia, anxiety and depression.